You will recall that about two weeks ago, I wrote, “Sitler learned from Wilson how to create opportunities by misrepresentation and then pounce on weakness the moment he saw it.” And you will recall that this particular post sent you over the edge into an “I am not Doug Wilson, I just act like him” fit of rage.
I call this to your attention because you responded to “Let Us Prey” according to this modus operandi. You did not acknowledge that the author of the post predicated his argument on Douglas Wilson’s formal fallacy of affirming the consequent, and you did not acknowledge that the writer illustrated his point with one example of kirkers being inconsistent with their own beliefs, when they should not. Then you made the extraordinary leap from God answering the Kirk’s imprecatory prayers to God sending JH to Moscow for some unknown slight. In other words, you twisted the argument and superimposed your perversion on me:
“It sounds to me as if you are saying Christ Church is an enemy of God, offered an imprecatroy prayer to God improperly, and as punishment for that, God sent Steven Sitler to abuse their children. Did I get that right? Is that how the God you believe in functions?? Did God send us Jason Hamilton for some unknown slight to Him or some other poor soul?”
Can you see your misrepresentation? It’s clear that you wanted to create weakness, or vulnerability in my position, so that you could exploit it by pitting your straw man against the community. Mr. Schwaller, your style (in this post) reminds me of Doug Jones — the Kirk’s sidewinder. He might look cute and chubby, like the Pillsbury Dougboy; but that plump little reptile glides rather smoothly, dripping sincerity with each deception, so that he can position himself to lunge on his prey.
But the Kirk’s cold-blooded elder is not my point; my point is that your misrepresentation constitutes one more proof that you suffer from a terminal case of “I am not Doug Wilson, I just act like him” disease. Think about it. You used deceit to gain the moral high ground. This is classic Wilson who holds deceit as a virtue to take dominion, which brings us back to point.
Doug Wilson and Doug Jones cultured an environment where treachery is a virtue, and Steven Sitler thrived in their treacherous culture. Indeed, he flourished as they taught him to create susceptibility in his victims through guile. Ironically, they taught him, by example, right here on Vision 2020. The Kirk’s predatory elders taught the Kirk’s God-sent predator to sharpen his skills in this very forum. Now that’s ironic. It also leads to my final point.
Your attempt to CONTROL THE CONVERSATION has failed and I remind you of my outstanding request for you to tell us “in what capacity you ‘worked for several months with Mr Sitler and other sex offenders in our area’ and how we may confirm this claim.” I am certain the answer to this request will help you discover the Schwaller within.
Thank you,
Bob Herodotus
From: “Glenn Schwaller”
To: Vision2020
Sent: Sunday, June 3, 2007 2:56 PM
Subject: A Sabbath Contemplation for Mr. Schwaller — Let Us Prey
Dear Mr Herodotus
Thank you for the information. Since Poohs Blog or Poohs Speak (I don’t remember what it’s called) seems to be down at the present time, I have no way of reading all the information that is available.
As I understand it, imprecatory prayer asks for God to destroy His enemies. To me, the “His” indicates enemies of God, not the enemies of some poor guy who thinks he’s being persecuted. An enemy of Doug Wilson (or you, or me, or anyone) is not necessarily an enemy of God. Even if you or I or Doug Wilson THINK someone is an enemy of God, doesn’t make it so. So I guess it’s up to God to determine if the enemies against whom the imprecatory prayers were offered were enemies worthy of being punished in His name.
It sounds to me as if you are saying Christ Church is an enemy of God, offered an imprecatroy prayer to God improperly, and as punishment for that, God sent Steven Sitler to abuse their children. Did I get that right? Is that how the God you believe in functions?? Did God send us Jason Hamilton for some unknown slight to Him or some other poor soul? If so, you may keep your God; mine would never be so evil and callous.
There was what I felt to be a divinely inspired service at the Presbyterian Church this morning. At no time this morning did I feel the presence of an cruel, insensitive God. When I do, it’s time to find another God.
As far as Douglas Wilson’s thoughts on rape, I find them to be abhorrent.